Discover the capabilities of the new Chapter 13 Plan Tracker. Seamlessly integrated with the National Data Center (NDC), this innovative tool empowers you to efficiently monitor and manage every aspect of your chapter 13 cases, from filing to discharge.
The Chapter 13 Plan Tracker enables you to:
– Identify cases where clients have missed or partially fulfilled Trustee payments, allowing for proactive resolution before dismissal motions, protecting your interests and reducing fee-related risks.
– Track all installment and lump sum payments to ensure debtors comply with the confirmed plan.
– View Trustee-disbursed attorney fees to date compared to scheduled amounts in the plan and access scheduled attorney fee payments for accurate monthly Trustee disbursement forecasts.
– Streamline post-confirmation plan modifications under § 1329, using a calculator that quickly computes viable changes based on data from your Best Case file and NDC records.