Discover the capabilities of the new Chapter 13 Plan Tracker. Seamlessly integrated with the National Data Center (NDC), this innovative tool empowers you to efficiently monitor and manage every aspect of your chapter 13 cases, from filing to discharge.
The Chapter 13 Plan Tracker enables you to:
– Identify cases where clients have missed or partially fulfilled Trustee payments, allowing for proactive resolution before dismissal motions, protecting your interests and reducing fee-related risks.
– Track all installment and lump sum payments to ensure debtors comply with the confirmed plan.
– View Trustee-disbursed attorney fees to date compared to scheduled amounts in the plan and access scheduled attorney fee payments for accurate monthly Trustee disbursement forecasts.
– Streamline post-confirmation plan modifications under § 1329, using a calculator that quickly computes viable changes based on data from your Best Case file and NDC records.
Utilizing the Chapter 13 Plan Tracker, your firm can protect its revenue while delivering superior client service by managing Chapter 13 cases more effectively. This tool is your pathway to fewer dismissed cases, improved client outcomes, and an improved bottom line.
The Chapter 13 Plan Tracker allows you to:
- Identify cases where your client has missed entirely or made only a partial Trustee payment. You can then proactively work with the client to resolve issues before the Trustee files a motion to dismiss, putting you on your heels and your fees at risk.
- Locate all upcoming step and lump sum payments, permitting you to ensure that the debtor complies with the terms of the confirmed plan before they fall behind.
- View all attorney fees disbursed to date by the Trustee, compared to what was scheduled in the confirmed plan. Additionally, you can view all future scheduled attorney fee payments, allowing you to accurately forecast your monthly Trustee disbursements.
- Streamline post-confirmation plan modifications under § 1329. Utilize the plan modification calculator, populated from both your Best Case file and the NDC’s data on disbursements against claims to date, to compute viable plan modifications in a matter of minutes.
Recorded March 24, 2021
Tech Talk – Learn answers to frequently asked technical support questions:
- How do I update? How often should I update?
- Update failed; what do I do now?
- I can’t update even though all users are out of Best Case, what do I do?
- I updated and can’t see my clients, now what?
- How do I backup my clients?
- How do I move a BC install to a new computer?
- Can I use Best Case with Dropbox?
- How do I email a client file? / How do I restore a client that was emailed?
- How do I copy a client?
- Is there a way to email a proof of my petition to my clients?
- Do you have a client questionnaire I can print out and had to my clients?
- Where do I enter EIN info?
- Is there a way to link multiple properties to a creditor?
- How do I get addresses to appear on certificate of service?
- Is there a way to manually edit a form?
- Does BC have spell check?
- How do I attach multiple income and expense worksheets to Sch I or J?
- Why isn’t my Schedule I data appearing in Form 122 and vice versa?
- I can’t edit any income data in the Means Test, why not?
- Form 122 told me I was $XX over abuse. I put in an amount greater than $xx and I’m still over abuse.
- Only half of my means test is completed. Why?
- How do I calculate the 13 plan?
- I calculated the 13 plan and the monthly payment is really high. Why?
- How do I change the trustee’s percentage on the 13 plan?
- What classification should I select on the 13 plan?
Recorded July 6, 2023
Simplify the complex process of generating a feasible Chapter 13 plan by utilizing the integrated calculator.
Learn how to:
• Assign treatment classifications to correctly calculate claims
• Determine plan payments, factoring in term and unsecured non-priority debt
• Utilize local plans and manual editing options to customize for your firm
Access detailed data maps for each jurisdiction that provide a quick reference on how to classify claims to get them to appear in the correct section of the plan.
For a step-by-step overview of the Chapter 13 Plan workflow, read our Master the Chapter 13 Plan Calculator in 5 Steps blog.
- Alabama – Middle District
- Alabama – Northern District
- Alabama – Southern District
- Alaska
- Arkansas – Eastern District
- Arkansas – Western District
- Arizona
- California – Central California
- California – Eastern District
- California – Northern District
- California – Southern District
- Colorado
- Connecticut
- Delaware
- District of Columbia
- Florida – Middle District
- Florida – Northern District
- Florida – Southern District
- Georgia – Middle District
- Georgia – Northern District
- Georgia – Southern District
- Hawaii
- Iowa – Northern District
- Iowa – Southern District
- Idaho
- Illinois – Northern District
- Illinois – Central District
- Illinois – Southern District
- Indiana – Northern District
- Indiana – Southern District
- Kansas
- Kentucky – Eastern District
- Kentucky – Western District
- Louisiana – Eastern District
- Louisiana – Middle District
- Louisiana – Western District
- Maine
- Maryland
- Massachusetts
- Michigan – Eastern District
- Michigan – Western District
- Minnesota
- Mississippi – Northern District
- Mississippi – Southern District
- Missouri – Eastern District
- Missouri – Western District
- Montana
- Nebraska
- Nevada
- New Hampshire
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- New York – Eastern District
- New York – Northern District
- New York – Southern District
- New York – Western District
- North Carolina – Eastern District
- North Carolina – Middle District
- North Carolina – Western District
- North Dakota
- Ohio – Northern District
- Ohio – Southern District
- Oklahoma – Northern District
- Oklahoma – Eastern District
- Oklahoma – Western District
- Oregon
- Pennsylvania – Middle District
- Pennsylvania – Eastern District
- Pennsylvania – Western District
- Puerto Rico
- Rhode Island
- South Carolina
- South Dakota
- Tennessee – Eastern District
- Tennessee – Middle District
- Tennessee – Western District
- Texas – Eastern District
- Texas – Northern District
- Texas – Southern District
- Texas – Western District
- Utah
- Vermont
- Virgin Islands
- Virginia – Eastern
- Virginia – Western
- Washington – Eastern District
- Washington – Western District
- West Virginia – Northern District
- West Virginia – Southern District
- Wisconsin – Eastern District
- Wisconsin – Western District
- Wyoming
Learn how to properly assign Chapter 13 Plan treatment classifications so your claims are calculated and paid correctly through the Chapter 13 Plan. Discover how Chapter 13 Plan Data Maps assist with selecting the correct classification so your claims appear under specific sections of the plan.
Discover how to access additional data-entry fields on the creditor and plan calculator windows that populate into the plan. Customize Chapter 13 Plan provisions for each individual client.
Use the Chapter 13 Plan calculator to figure out feasible plan payments based on term length and distribution to unsecured general non-priority claims. Easily perform complex calculations for regular or step plans.
Learn how to specify special formatting options for select forms and schedules. Often available for Chapter 13 Plans, form preferences can contain options to round calculations or include/exclude special provisions or sections.
Learn how to manually edit a form using the Best Case Editor. This built-in work processor is ideal for text or formatting changes, and contains additional tools such as spell check and word count.